30 March 2014

2014 - Looking Forward

Although creating your new years resolutions may now be a distant memory here I am documenting mine. Following on from my previous post, I stated that I didn't really accomplish much at all from my 2013 resolutions apart from making the most of summer, which I believe I did. I didn't manage to pass my driving test, do a charity event or get a job etc but that's ok I guess. I was going to skip the whole New Years resolutions thing this year following my failure last year but I am a serious list maker therefore thoroughly enjoy coming up with little things I would like to achieve so I thought why not, what's the worst that can happen. I have carried over some of my goals from last year and added a few more little bits and bobs because I couldn't help myself. I may have even gotten started on, or completed some of them.

Be more self motivated. More motivated to succeed at University rather than just settling for average as I normally do, more motivated to get out of bed and do something decent with my day and more motivated to try new things. This means no more procrastination and a lot less laziness, and I am THE queen of laziness.
Pass my driving test, it's an ongoing struggle guys.
Learn to cook, I'm a big fat fail in the kitchen.
Do lots of fun things such as travelling and finding nice things to do nearby.
Do one or more charity events.
Finally find a job or start volunteering, yet another ongoing struggle.
Step out of my comfort zone. 
Add some finishing touches to my bedroom.
Get healthy and toned, predictable I know.
Most importantly, document 2014 with words and lots of photographs. 

What are your goals for this year?
Rachael x

26 March 2014

2013 Reflection

Hello and welcome to the brand spanking new 'What Rachael Wrote'. Late last year I finally made the decision to start from scratch with this blog of mine, it was an idea I had been toying over for a while as I just wasn't happy with the design or post quality from my previous blog, I wasn't as dedicated to it as I would've liked to have been so for the perfectionist inside of me that meant a whole new start. After many late, stressful nights of me trying to work out the demon that is html I finally caved and went to find the help of someone who actually knew what they were doing, along came the wonderful Abby who has turned my space into something way better than I could ever do. I do still have my old blog as it's full of memories and it's nice to see where I actually started off but here's to a new beginning of documenting even more of my life and loves.

I know time's cracking on (late March already!?) but I do have a back log of posts from the past few months that I want to have documented on here so please bare with me. One of those being the typical new year post. As for 2013, well... you were a funny year to me, you started off wonderfully and I was probably the happiest I've ever been. I carried on realising how lucky I am and made time to do lots of nice things with my boyfriend, Lee, and my friends like having bbq's and drinks, going out for meals, nights in, nice walks and trips to the beach. July treated me well, it was the best month with my 18th birthday, a surprise weekend away in the Lake District with Lee and getting to live with him for 11 days whilst I had a free house. From August I was able to experience a week in Kavos for my first girl's holiday, visit my auntie and uncle in Dubai again and then freshers began and I became a university student which was all very enjoyable and I met some great friends. I wasn't, and still am not, too sure about university which was worrying as I was pretty sure it was what I wanted to do but I'm getting there and unfortunately, mine and Lee's relationship took a huge knock nearer the end of the year so that was always getting me down behind all of the fun and partying but we pulled through it, a very bitter sweet time indeed. Looking back at my reflection post from this time last year I have realised I didn't actually accomplish much at all. Yes, I passed my A levels but I could've done better. It's a little disappointing having not been able to tick off the majority of last year's New Years resolutions but I know that I was busy having fun instead which in my opinion, is equally important.

2013, you have taught me that, as selfish as it sounds, I need to do what will make me happy. You have also made me realise that I have some pretty amazing friends and that life is unpredictable and things can change within moments, therefore nothing should be taken for granted. Happy very late new year everyone, I hope 2014 is good to you.

Rachael x
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